Brace yourself as you are about to discover some all-new, extremely flavorsome, and intensely nutritious ingredients that can totally revamp your meals without much effort.
You can easily find most of these ingredients at your local store, and those which are unavailable may be found at a superstore that carries a much larger variety.
The Intensely Nutritious Goji Berries
Goji Berries are also known by the name of wolfberries and native to the Himalayan region. According to Asian culinary history, these berries have been used in many Asian cuisines throughout history. They are an excellent source of copper, protein, antioxidants, vitamin C, selenium and vitamin A, and also contain 8 amino acids which our body cannot synthesize on its own.
For this reason, the Chinese have been using goji berries for medicinal purpose for over 2000 years. The antioxidants present inside Goji berries also help in boosting our body’s metabolism. They are also rich in fiber, which is why they are often used as an ingredient in granola bars.

The Protein-rich Mesquite
Mesquites are derived from a small group of leguminous trees, and they are mostly grown in the United States and Mexico region. The fruit of the plant is called a pod, and when a pod is dried, it can be consumed either as a whole or in ground form, the latter of which can also be incorporated in bread or flour.
Mesquite, as an ingredient, is a little bit expensive because its wood is used in the building of boats and high-quality furniture items, and mesquite bark is also used as a sweetener. Considering the fact that mesquite is also a rich source of fiber and protein, we can’t think of a reason why it should not become a regular part of your diet.
The Healing Powers of the Cordyceps
Cordyceps are a kind of fungus which has more than 400 species, just like mushrooms. Natively found in the mountainous regions of China, they substantially improve the immune system of our body by stimulating cells.
Commonly, the Chinese people use cordyceps for the treatment of male intimacy problems, lethargy, and kidney-related issues. Additionally, cordyceps can also drastically improve your workouts by temporarily boosting your stamina, reducing inflammation in the body, and reducing the chance of developing a tumor.

Consuming cordyceps is also not a very big problem because they now exist in powdered form as well, and before you even ask, yes, this powder can be mixed into your morning cup of coffee without any harmful effects.
The Ayurvedic Ashwagandha
This one will help you ensure optimal psychological health. Ashwagandha, which you may know as rennet, helps with almost all kinds of common psychological issues such as anxiety, depression, and chronic stress. It also helps in controlling blood sugar level.
Ashwagandha is a Sanskrit word, which refers to the smell of a horse. The strong stench of the herb may be difficult to tolerate, in which case you should mix it with drinks that carry a very strong aura of their own.
The Recently Discovered Maca
The Maca root is commonly found in Peru’s Andes mountains, and was discovered quite recently in the late 80s. It is a remarkably delicious plant because of its nutty butterscotch flavor. According to nutritionists, it is best to eat Maca early in the morning because it boosts energy and stamina levels in the body.

It also helps in reducing anxiety and fortifies core brain functions, so there are also psychological benefits to consuming Maca as well. But most interestingly, the Maca root is probably the best natural hormone therapy offered to us by nature, as its consumption helps regulate hormonal imbalances in the body.
Black Seed Oil: The Ultimate Cure
This oil comes from Nigella Sativa which is an ancient therapy designed to cure millions of human problems. From as simple as allergies, headache, and hypertension to as complex as rheumatoid arthritis, black seed oil is great for everyone in the family. It has immense anti-inflammatory properties and also comes equipped with the capacity to fight many infections.